Saturday 4 January 2020

A bit of time in the summer house

I haven’t been out today as my knee is really sore and I think I am getting Tina’s lurgi. I haven’t done a lot today but I did get out in the summer house for a while and took the camera out. So wildlife and even a wildlife hunter!
The next pics are not the best as this different visitor was at the far tree so had to zoom in quite a lot. But obviously a long tailed tit.
I doubt I will be doing a lot tomorrow, hoping the leg will be a little better for me to get to the doctor on Tuesday!


  1. That summerhouse has been a great buy. You’ve definitely had your monies worth out of it. Some really nice pics today. It’s nice to see the wildlife is still making use of the food. I’m not including Blue in with that ad I know exactly which food she’d choose!
    Really sorry that the knee has been so bad. Hopefully if you have another easy..ish day tomorrow it’ll help. With any luck the doctor might have some suggestions or answers on Tuesday. 🤞🏻

  2. It was good to get a few pictures of the birds again, especially with a different visitor arriving.
    Fingers crossed the knee will settle a bit.
