Sunday 26 January 2020

A bit of gardening....

I didn’t sleep that well and was slow to get going this morning, but the weather was dry and I have been thinking about the amount of clearing that is needed in the garden. Also I have thought I should do some clearing in the front and have Pandora out there to get used to being out there as now she is out and about she could get herself over the fence. I don’t want her getting spooked out there and having another fatality! As it turned out she didn’t get out into the front garden much as Blue decided that it was her garden and kept chasing her away! I didn’t take any pictures as I didn’t intend to do a lot, I was probably out for about an hour including getting ready and putting stuff away, just removed lots of dead stuff and some weeds from the left hand bed next to the wall. Filled the large green bag a couple of times!
We have a lot of snowdrops but also now some aconites, they are so bright.
This afternoon I went to see Sarah and David for a couple of hours, they have been in Spain for three weeks. It was raining this afternoon so good that I got outside for a bit this morning.
Have made dinner and will be watching the Pottery Throw Down and Vera later.


  1. I’m sure you enjoyed a bit of gardening, but an hour is more than enough at the moment. Hopefully Pandora will soon get used to being out front, assuming Blue allows it! I’ve never heard of aconites before, but they are very bright, and photogenic.
    Afternoon out as well, it’s all go! Maybe the walking and gardening will help with a bit of sleep tonight.

  2. It was a fairly good day considering how it started, the knee is a bit sore now, but not really more than usual so hopefully it will be okay.
    Will try and get a bit more done in the garden tomorrow, weather permitting as it has been wet this afternoon.
