Monday 20 January 2020

Early start and no improvement!

A good job the time is getting nearer to get to see a consultant, nothing I am trying has had a lot of effect so far! I had a bad night and was up and out before six this morning. Did put my clothes on over my pyjamas and went and posted some letters! Took a spooky picture of the house on my way back!
The sky was nice this morning, not a bad picture through the window.
I did go out again to the shop, still quite early and nice sky above the houses so a slightly different view.
Tina and I had a short trip out this morning and had lunch at Eastfield garden centre. I got two squirrel proof nut feeders. These were £5 each and the black ones the same size were twice the price, I will try and get them out in the garden tomorrow.
When we got back we walked round behind the parish hall to look at some trees that Tina wants cutting back. A different view of the c Burch from there.
This afternoon I have finished the bird jigsaw, it was a good way to distract me from my aching leg!
Talking of aching legs the triangular foot/knee support that I ordered arrived today. It seems really high so not sure it will be of any use but I will try it tonight. It has straps so that you can fix it in the position you want it. Watch this space for an update!
I haven’t fallen asleep so far today so hopefully will manage a bit longer in bed tonight, but I won’t hold my breath.


  1. That’s a mega early start to the day! But on the bright side you got some nice morning pics. I quite like the spooky house pic. You’ll end up getting arrested if you’re seen taking pics of houses at that time of the morning!
    The new feeders look good for a fiver each. The wildlife is totally spoiled in your garden. They do oblige by posing for pics though 😊
    You managed that puzzle a bit quicker than the last one! Bet you’ll be happier when you can say sod it to puzzles and be out and about instead. Hopefully that won’t be too long.
    The wedge might be the miracle you’ve been looking for. I’m watching this space.......

  2. It was an early start, still staying awake at the moment so hopefully I will stay that way until bedtime!
    It was nice to have the trip out, the countryside looked lovely in the sunshine, although it was quite chilly.
    Presumably the green feeders aren’t popular but I am not bothered about the colour as long as they keep the squirrels out!
    I have got more puzzles on the cupboard I think.
