Wednesday 22 January 2020

Snapping in the garden!

I haven’t done a great deal today, had another difficult night and the cut down wedge wasn’t a success. Did go to the local shop this morning then sat out in the summer house for a while this afternoon. Not a lot of wildlife about to start but did end up taking quite a few pictures, I left the cats inn doors!
The seagulls were on the roof, having quite a conversation at one point!
A couple of squirrels were around in the garden, performing acrobatics as usual!

Starlings and tits on the feeders.

Will add this one as the starling flew as I took it.
The handsome blackbird was finding food on the leaf sacks,

This bed sees lots of activity, it is below the feeders. The pheasant is there most mornings.
The final photo is probably the cutest, this squirrel was burying something in the raised bed and I managed to catch it shaking the dirt off it’s nose!
White House Farm this evening, really interesting.


  1. Well if having to stay at home means getting to watch the wildlife show in the back garden then it’s not all bad. You’ve got a great selection and some great photos.
    The all look extremely happy feasting on all the food you put out there. The fat in the coconuts seems very popular. Is that still your own mix?
    It doesn’t make up for not being able to get out so much and for the pain you’ve got, but it certainly helps to cheer you up.
    The final shot of the squirrel shaking the dirt off its nose is brilliant. You managed to catch it just right. Definitely one for the folder.

  2. Those aren’t the coconuts I filled but they were equally popular. I have some empty shells now so will make another batch soon.
    It was quiet to start with but I did see quite a lot of activity so glad I went out.
    Really pleased with that last photo, just caught it right!
