Tuesday 14 January 2020

Jigsaw crazy!

Not a lot to report today, have mainly been resting the leg as much as possible and concentrating on the jigsaw.
I did go to the shop quite early and as my knee was really sore I dug out the walking stick, it did seem to help a bit.
Two pictures of the puzzle, one this morning and one a little while ago! May not look like I have done much but it is pretty tricky.
This evening Darren and I both had appointments at the Floral Hall to give blood. Very lucky for me as I had a lift both ways, doubt very much I could have  made it on foot. My iron levels were good today and no mishaps when the needle was inserted so have now given 49 times so looks like I will make that magic 50 after all,
Going to watch Midsomer Murders now, wonder what the body count will be tonight!


  1. Using the stick is a good idea, and if it helps you get about a bit easier that’s good. Don’t try overdoing though. Take it as easy as you can without getting too bored!
    Definitely not bored today judging by that puzzle! What a nightmare it is. Will it be going back in the box in the end never to be seen again?
    Good planning with Darren going to give blood too. Would have been a real shame if you couldn’t have got there and missed the 49th. Hopefully you’ll make it well past the 50 mark too.
    I’m sure MM will be a high count. Worse than Cabot Cove!

  2. The puzzle is certainly a challenge, butI will finish it and then yes, back on the box never to see the light of day, not by me anyway!
    Maybe I will keep donating after fifty times, but that is the magic number for now!
