Saturday 11 January 2020

I’ve had better days

I was up late and have done very little today, getting fed up with the knee pain and being so restricted, but will endeavour to brighten up tomorrow!
The cats spend a lot of time staring at each other and still have the occasional spats. Both in the bathroom earlier and Blue took to the loo to get away from an annoying Pandora!
I did get as far as the local shop and the fact that we have snowdrops already did brighten my day!
I unpacked some lovely new mugs I have been given and will start using them soon, they are cheer up medicine too!


  1. Well to be honest I’m surprised you’ve not had many more days where you’re totally fed up with the pain and the restrictions that go along with it. You’ve faired a lot better than a lot of people I know, including me! We’d have all given up a long time ago, whereas you still try every exercise and pretty much anything that might help. I really hope you do feel a bit brighter tomorrow as I’m so used to you being cheerful when I speak to you that I know things must be bad today.
    The mugs are really cute. Perfect for a nice sweet and cheering hot chocolate 😊

  2. Will do my best to wake up in a better frame of mind tomorrow!
    Off to use a mug now!
