Tuesday 7 January 2020

Just soldier on for now!

This morning there was a lovely sky, I tried to get pictures through the less than clean windows!
As walking has been difficult for a few days Tina took me down to the surgery for my early doctors appointment. Not quite the outcome I had hoped for, but he has made a referral for me to see an orthopaedic consultant. He didn’t have the actual X-rays on the screen, just a report, but basically both knees are worn out, the right being further gone but the fact that ai am compensating the left one is giving me more grief! He said to make a self referral for physio again and meanwhile keep taking the pills and using the gel! He doesn’t do the injections so if I get them it won’t be until I get seen at the hospital. Tina came and collected me and I phoned the physio department as soon as I was indoors. I have my telephone assessment booked for early on 
Thursday morning, I would like to actually be seen but my previous experience of the self referral system has ended up with exercises being sent out at best. So now I will just walk slowly and as much as I can manage to try to keep mobile.
The garden was full of wildlife while I was working in the kitchen. Tried taking a picture with the phone, through the window, the pheasant is walking off between the greenhouse and the dead tree, the crow is in evidence, we do have four regular crow visitors.  There is a wood pigeon in shot and I think a couple of very blurred squirrels which you won’t be able to see!
Tina was expecting a couple of packages, when they had arrived I caught the but up to Freeport. Wandered right up to the sweet shop as I wanted some more of the liquorice and aniseed sweets that Anya had bought me last week. I got a frame in the card shop as I had a vplittle card that Tina got me I wanted to get framed. It is ‘Country Mice’, by Hannah Dale, I love her illustrations,
In the shop called Leaf, Bark and Berries I bought this kit which the lady said she thought made a 3D frame but it had no instructions.
I made it up and will now have to take it apart to decorate it, when is quite another matter!
I caught the bus home but did manage quite a bit of walking in, albeit slowly. I had used the gel and put on a knee support before I went out.
Not planning to do a great deal more this evening, will try to build up the activity a bit tomorrow.


  1. Not bad sky pics considering it’s through glass, dirty glass at that.
    It’s a shame the doctors appointment didn’t result it a better outcome. I was really hoping he’d be able to give you something in the interim to help. Hopefully the orthopaedic surgeon will fit you in for some new knees ASAP. Then you’ll be galloping around like pensioner possessed again in no time 😊
    You really do get a varied selection of wildlife in that garden. I can see everything apart from the squirrels, but the do blend in quite well.
    Glad you got out for a while and that you didn’t attempt the full walk there or home. Slowly is definitely the way to go right now. No point in making things worse if you can help it. I like the 3D frame. That’d look really nice decoupaged so that you can lose those front holes. But I suspect you’d already thought of that 😊
    The card Tina got you is extremely cute and looks nice in its new frame.
    Don’t go trying to build up the activity too much tomorrow.

  2. The day has been okay, onward and upward now if I can manage it!
    It was good to have the little trip out, might be a while before I am walking there or back. They are not holes exactly but the wood is stained dark at the edges so I had thought I may have to paint them before I decoupage.
