Friday 30 November 2018

Yesterday's buys and Lights Night

i bought a pair of cushions yesterday at a very reasonable price and when I put the covers away I will have inners for the duck cushions if I ever get around to making them.
The robin in the middle is a hand warmer that Darren and Tina got for me a while ago. I also got a small statue of a hare, the lady in the shop thought it was a kangaroo, can sort of see why.
i have a very exciting advent calendar to start tomorrow, it is full of sewing and crafty bits, a very naughty but nice gift from Tina and Darren.
This morning I went along to the Living Well meeting, chair aerobics today which was really good and more of a workout than I had expected. had lunch with Tina and then I marzipanned the rest of the cakes, the decorations are mostly made so definitely ahead of that game, wish I could say the same for the cards.
This evening it is Lights Night when the Christmas lights are switched on. The main street is closed and most of the shops stay open and there are amusements and so many tombolas! it was also the start of the Christmas tree festival in the church and Tina asked me to take some photos. One of the church as I approached.
There were a lot of trees so I will pick three pics to put on the blog.

I took a walk along the road, had lots of goes on tombolas and enjoyed seeing hundreds of people enjoying the evening.

Darren went straight to his club from work as he wouldn't have been able to get home with the road being closed, but he will be able to get in later.


  1. Those customer nice, and a good idea for getting two uses from the inners. You’ll get around to making the duck ones, I’m pretty sure.
    I suppose the hare does look a bit like a kangaroo.....with extremely big ears 😀
    Blimey, is it nearly the first of December already? Where has the year gone? I can’t remember the last time I had an advent calendar. Maybe I should treat myself to one 😊
    That’s a nice display of trees in the church. It’s handy the church has a resident photographer in their midst. You really are multitalented!
    The street looks very colourful and a lot of people about too. Did you win anything on the tombolas?

  2. No idea where customer came from, obviously should have been cushions! Doh!

  3. Yes, the prizes for Tina’s next tombola are reaching mountainous proportions! Got cake and sweets too though!
    The trees did look lovely and the camera does r ally well as some areas in the church were really quite dark to show off the lights on the trees.

  4. Cake and sweets, that was supper sorted then!
