Sunday 4 November 2018

Boot sale and Burton Constable part two

Darren and I arrived at Burton Constable before the house and garden were open, the archers get there and set up earlier. I got my ticket at 11 am but the house didn’t open until twelve, so I took a walk down to the lakes and the Capability Brown bridge.
Great to be walking over such an old structure.
The walk wasn’t well marked but the lakes were lovely.
Back near the house one of the exhibits was a whale skeleton, very impressive.
The play area for the children was fun.

I’ll post a few pics from the ground and the house in part three!
Back in a bit.


  1. Lovely bridge. Some great pics from what looks like an interesting little trip.
    Love the wire mesh animals.
    Three parts.....blimey. Will check in again later.

  2. Just lost part three, will try on th chrome book!

  3. Oops. Good job it wasn’t all in one entry!

  4. I was editing it in the back up section then lost it completely!
