Sunday 18 November 2018

Another coffee table?

Darren and I had our usual trip to the boot sale and market. I was doing pretty good lol today until we came to the last couple of stalls. The triangular table caught my eye, I even haggled a little bit which I never do, getting it for £10 instead of £12. It actually open and the guy said it was musical, but the mechanism isn’t working. That really didn’t matter as I didn’t even realise you could lift the lid so it was a bonus. At the market I stocked up at the snack stall and the bakery stall had chicken and mushroom pies today so we had them for tea. We have tried to buy them several times before and hadn’t got them.
When we got home a caught up with Strictly and Casualty before going out into the garden. We bought some leaf bags when we went to the garden centre and there are a lot of leaves to be cleared so that was the mission today. I particularly wants to clear the beds at the  back so that I can tidy plants and put in bulbs.
I ended up filling all eight bags, a lot of raking and hoeing and stooping! This picture of six of the bags shows the mountain of leaves that need bagging near the incinerator!
I did have a cup of tea in the summer house before I came in to get on with dinner. I enjoyed clearing the leaves which probably confirms that I am weird!
Strictly results in a bit and then the penguins.


  1. What a lovely table, and a bargain too. Glad to hear you haggled too. It’s e petted at boot sales!
    It’s nice to have trees in the garden but it does make a lot of work clearing the leaves. Although it’s one of those jobs that isn’t unduly hard, and you get satisfaction seeing where you’ve been, so almost enjoyable as gardening tasks go. Personally I’d just leave them all to mulch in naturally 😀

  2. Hard for me to resist a noise piece of furniture, especially a small one that is so beautiful!
    There are quite a few more leaves still to fall but the worst of it is over I think. Hopefully they will mulch in the proper leaf bags!

  3. Super table I am commenting but can’t see my comments
