Sunday 25 November 2018

Winter skies and cute animals

This morning Darren and I went to the boot sale and market. Well, more market as it was wet and there were only a handful of cars on th boot sale site. We had our usual sausage sandwich and I got my supply of nuts and we had a wander around but didn’t go mad today. We had dinner at lunch time as Tina is still not well and didn’t take any services today.
The weather had cleared up a bit this afternoon so I decided to walk up to Freeport as the craft outlet had an offer of a free goody bag if you spent ten pound or more. I took some pictures of winter skies as they were just stunning, to my eyes anyway.
There was a van parked there and I was intrigued.
I soon found out what it was all about, and sooooo cute!
There was a machine where you could buy a plastic ball full of food for the animals, they were very tame and liked being petted. There was also a hand gel dispenser. Lots of children were having a great time feeding them. 
I went to the craft outlet then and bought just enough stuff to get the goody bag. Some of the things I won’t use but I am delighted with the panel that will be enough for two cushions, so well worth the effort.

Took one more sky picture before my walk home.


  1. I like those skies too. Very atmospheric.
    When I saw the pic of the van I thought it said “Jan’s Mobile Farm”, which would have been spooky. I do love goats they are definitely my favourites, and they do look very cute in their winter jumpers.
    The material for the cushions is perfect for your place. Right colours and designs. Another job to add to the list!

  2. I felt tired asking back today, no buses on a Sunday, but I was pleased I went and I saw Mags and Aimee, not for long as they were busy because of the goody bag offer this weekend.
    Real bonus seeing the animals too.

  3. That is a great idea a mobile farm and the cushion panels are so different Almost should be framed

  4. A good trip, definitely worth a wintry walk! X
