Monday 26 November 2018

Making cake decorations

This morning it was murky and miserable but I decided to walk to Tesco to get something for dinner and some roll out icing to make a start on cake decorations. I am away for a few days next week and I have to get them ready to go for the week after that. Don’t want to be getting stressed at the last minute. Got some food in for lunch for Tina and myself, she is still poorly and has a doctors appointment in the morning.
I got a phone call from the blood donors and have agreed to go along to a session tomorrow afternoon. If my iron count is too low again I will give up on trying to get to fifty dontations and get them to remove me from the register. Always threatened to get another tattoo when I stopped donating, so we will see!
After lunch I got on with making holly leaves and poinsettias for the cakes, hopefully I have done enough.
After a tea break I go on with dinner. Went out a couple of times to take pics of the sky!
May try and finish off some cards this evening so may have a photo to post of them to post tomorrow.


  1. The cakes soon come around. It doesn’t seem that long since you did the last lot. They do taste good though!
    Hope you do manage to give blood, but you’ve given a few over the years, so you’ve not done bad. Trying to think what sort of tattoo you should have.
    Lovely silhouettes to finish off with.

  2. Feeling a bit happier about finishing th cakes in time now.
    I will be happy if I manage to give blood again, but equally, if it fails then I have tried my best!
