Saturday 24 November 2018

Victorian Christmas market

I was up railroad early and prepared the veggies for a sausage casserole which I set going in the slow cooker before I went out. There was a reuir meant to ‘dress the part’ when helping at the Victorian market so I had to buy some tights at the factory shop as generally I just don’t wear skirts! No one to take a picture f me thankfully! I helped out all day at the tombola with a lady called Jean and we also sold rqffle tickets. It got busy a couple of times, was pretty quiet when I took this picture.
There were two singers who took it in turns to sing, mostly First World War tunes then later some Christmas songs. The young lady looked lovely, the next two pics ar not great!
Those hand look a bit odd along the edg of her dress, it was actually part of the remembrance display! The local primary school children did a little performance and some singing too.
The hall was at it’s busiest then with all the parents lining up to take pictures. I helped clear away after the raffle had been drawn and then walked home.
The casserole was tasty and now it will be a telly evening.


  1. Looks a nice little market and plenty going on.
    Those hands do look a bit odd in that pic, a bit creepy!
    At least you get to sit and put your feet up this evening.

  2. It was a long day as we weren’t relieved from our stall, but it was fine and I think quite a lot of money was raised for the British Legion.
    Definitely a square eyed evening!
