Wednesday 28 November 2018

Bus trip and cakes

Yesterday evening Tina gave me a present she had sent for in the Tradecrqft sale. They are very cute, I have quite a collection of different birds.
This morning I caught the early but up to Freeport as Mags and Abi were going to be on duty and Mags had a lot of ‘fish and chip baby’ vests and hats for me to give to Tina. The bus always has a challenge getting through the estate with the twisty roads and random parking, but today it was so bad that he just couldn’t get the bus through. He sounded his horn and the other people on the bus decided to walk the rest of their journey. I offers to go and knock some doors, it was the car on the right that had caused the problem even though there was one in front of the bus. The driver said the one in front of the bus had been ther all morning and it was the one on th right that had caused the problem. But when I found the right house th lady said the driver wasn’t in so eventually an elderly man came out and moved the one in front of the bus. Made the journey a bit more interesting!
Had a good chat and a laugh with Mags and Abi, collected the vests and decided to walk home, I had taken my trolley. When I got home I went to the shop to get lunch for when Tina got in. Before I went out I had made some bits to go on th cakes, trying to be more organised with them as I am away for a few days next week and need to have the ready by the week after that.
This afternoon I managed to get six of the cakes maripanned and now I need to get more plates to put the rest on and containers to put them in! Going to go into Hull tomorrow so maybe I will find some while I am shopping,
Will try and get some more cards made tonight.


  1. The birds are really nice. Very colourful and definitely very you. A good spot by the Rev.
    When we caught the bus to Freeport I was amazed the driver got through the route ok. Obviously it doesn’t always work out that way. Good job he had you on there today. You could get a job as a bus warden 😀
    I have to say I’m looking forward to the Christmas cake. I can virtually taste it now! Not much longer to wait, but then the question will be will I be able to leave it until Christmas? Only time will tell.

  2. They are rstill ally cute little birds and bright and cheerful too.
    I certainly wouldn’t want to b driving that route through th estate, he must have been tempted to carry on and just take the car out!
    Cakes ar well on the way now!

  3. I think my page is taking a while to load I can’t see photos it’s just a symbol like no entry will have a peek later

  4. Oh super cute birds and Christmas cake decorations yum yum 😋

  5. Yours will be winging it’s way to you soon, boom boom!!
