Sunday 4 November 2018

Boot sale and Burton Constable part one

This morning Darren and I went off to the boot sale and market as usual, the wind was quite cold and it did start to drizzle a bit, but got some bargains, well, I thought so and then got veg and made a visit to the nutty man. Got this complete set of kitchen canisters for £3, she really didn’t want to take them home!
I also got a lovely little cream jug on a matching saucer but seem not to have taken a picture of it so will add that another day.this glass vase caught my eye and it was only £1.
Will add one out of sequence photo as I got these adorable guys at Burton Constable, but as I hav a lot of other pictures will put the purchases together here. They are made by Jellycat and I get 10% off as I hav signed up to be a friend of the hall.
I will add one more out of sequence picture of Darren trying to unravel a very long piece of rope that had got knotted. He had been at an archery evening and they use ropes to mark area out.
Going to publish this one and then get onto my visit to the hall and grounds.


  1. Lots of bargains, and cute things today. Never known you to do a double blog entry so you must have taken a LOT of pics :-)
    The storage containers and the vase were very good value. I can see why the lady didn’t want o drag all that kitchen stuff home again!
    I look forward to seeing part two a bit later.

  2. I don’t trust putting a lot of photos on at a time on the iPad so am splitting it up and hope I don’t have any back ups!

  3. Well it’s working....up to now 😀
