Friday 9 November 2018

Loved the program about Prince Charles

Not a big entry today, I spent all morning doing housework and a bit of washing and making sure the guest room is ready as Anya and Isobel are visiting this weekend.
I had arranged to go round to Marjorie’s house at lunch time, after eating we were going to sit and watch the program about Prince Charles at seventy.we found out recently that we were both great fans of his so it was good to watch it with someone who felt the same as me. Another friend, Eileen came too and of course Tommy, her husband who made out sandwiches. It was a truly delightful program, showing him in many situations and highlighting his charm and humour. May have to watch it again.
When I got home I decided to tidy up the walled garden a bit which has been sadly neglected of late and was a real mess.
I worked for under an hour and have a long way to go but it does look a lot tidier.
Was getting quite dark by the time I came in. Not planning to do much this evening, might go to the shop, and ther are some comedy programs I like tonight.


  1. I have to say that after your recommendation this afternoon I enjoyed the program too. Quite an eye opener for me as I had a totally different picture of him in my head.
    For an hours tidying that garden looks a lot better. Would have taken me several hours to get that far, but you do get a lot of practice!
    Hope the girls have a good trip up to see you. I’m sure you’ll have a great weekend.

  2. I hope some others will give it a try if they read this.
    I sure do get a lot of gardening practice, that growth pullled out fairly easily for a change!
    I am sure it will be a good weekend.
