Friday 16 November 2018

What a cute little cow bargain!

Yesterday at the charity shop I noticed this cute little cow cream jug with teapots on! The jug is just about four inches tall.

The teapots are actually tiny spoons and the whole lot was 99p.
This morning I went along to a talk at the Living Well group, it was about depression and anxiety and was very interesting and a very good speaker. I came home and had lunch with Tina then went over the road to see if I could book a haircut. Carol did it for me today after she had finished painting her nails! Great cut again and they are so friendly. Took a walk down to the post office and then went up to the sea front and had a cup of hot chocolate. Quite chilly today and very grey.
On the way back I could her the sparrows chittering as usual, they are so cute.
When I got home I went out to check the wooden plank with the hooks, it was still up so have now hung the fork and spade up and so far so good. They do seem quite heavy to me!
No gardening today, maybe tomorrow......


  1. Love the little jug with the spoons. Silly price too, so had to be had. Hope you get to use it.
    It does look a bit bleak up there today, so perfect for hot chocolate and a walk. I really like the pic of the birds in the foliage. Not 100% sure why, but it just stands out. Good to see the camera is working fine with no oddities after the accident the other day.
    Your bit of handiwork in the shed turned out ok. I think if it were going to fall down it would have done by now 😀
    You should leave any gardening until Monday now, and have a weekend off.

  2. I liked the sparrow picture too and I absolutely love the little spoons. Been driving myself round the bend with straws, that’s it now!
    I will try to keep the tools more organised now, they were all piled up before and a bit chaotic.

  3. Fabulous spoons Jan you are good at spotting stuff I have a jug like that so cute
