Thursday 29 November 2018

Trip to Hull

Before I went for the bus this morning I assembled some of the decorations for th Christmas cakes.
The poinsettias and holly berries were pretty fiddly and I made my back ache, but getting well in front with sorting the cakes now. 
It was a miserable morning but I went off to catch the bus into Hull, I am not a keen shopper but had a list of things to do and buy. I got my train tickets for my trip next week and also needed to go to the bank. Had fish and chips before starting on the shopping. Not the best fish and chips I have ever had, in fact probably nearer to being the worst, but I ate them anyway!
I went into Princes Quay and quite a god display there.
Outside a table tennis hall there were these to sand sculptures.
I got most of the things on my list but was very tired so caught the 2.35 pm bus home. I did buy myself a beret and a couple of other bits, here I am dong my best Frank Spenser impression!
I made some cards last night, all using the same arrangement of stamps.
Will try and do a few more this evening.


  1. You’re way too keen in the mornings to do stuff! But I’m not complaining as before too long I’ll probably get to sample one of the decorations myself. I’m sooo looking forward to cake 😁
    I like the sand sculpture of what I assume is an old fashioned till. Well that’s what it looks like to me. Seems an odd choice for a sand sculpture.
    As I scrolled down to the pic of you in the beret, the first thing that sprang to mind was Frank Spencer, then I read your comment. I hope none of the cats do a whoopsee in it 😀
    It’s surprising the how different the cards look considering they’re all the same pic. You must be getting very near to the end by now.

  2. Yes, I liked the old fashioned till, not so sure about th shoe!
    Will get mor marzipan tomorrow and see if I can get them all to that stage, I am surprising myself at being so organised!
    I really like the beret!
