Wednesday 7 November 2018

Not quite so boring!

Last night I assembled three cards I had been working on, fairly simple but I really like them.
I did go out into the garden quite early, and managed about forty minutes before rain stopped play. I did give the area I did yesterday a second turn and hoed it. I also got the brown bin round behind the gate that we didn’t know was there! As the weather changed I caught the bus up to Freeport and was sat next to a delightful little boy called George who was four yesterday. He was delighted to have a picture taken with his new dinosaur squishy!
His mum was down th front of the bus but knew he was sitting with me and I had pictures.there are traffic lights on the route at the moment which rally hold the traffic up, but the journey passed quickly with this little ray of sunshine as company.
Aimee was on duty at the craft outlet today, she made me a cuppa and I bought a few bits then I had lunch before going into the Gift Company shop. Got another fairy house, that is it now!
There was a great poppy display in the wedding shop and I took a couple more as a I walked home.
We have had uite a few comments about the display in our front garden too. As the day had brightened up I did go back in th garden but jarred my knee uite badly when trying to pull these routes so had to call it a day.
Th copper beech in the garden looks lovely in the sunlight, it will soon be bare now.
Have got this far without the machine freezing so will call it a day now!


  1. They look good. Very Christmassy.
    George looks very happy. Looks like you’ll have had a nice bus trip with the chuckling little chap 😊
    I like the new fairy house, and hopefully the fairies will too. I’m sure you said “that’s it for now” when you bought the last one 😀
    I’m enjoying seeing all the different pics of the poppy displays you have up there. I’ve not noticed any in this neck of the woods. Shame, as they do look good.
    I think those roots need a man called Darren to handle them. You’ll do yourself permanent damage if you’re not careful. I’m sure he’d be happy to help. If not then don’t bake any more cakes for him 😀🍰

  2. There are popppy displays everywhere and there are ‘Hornsea remembers’ signed on all the lamp posts into the town and around it. People have been knitting and making plastic bottle poppies and the schools are involved so a real town effort.
    Enjoyed making those cards, glad I bought the die cut machine.
    Not sure if Darren is looking at the blog lately, if he is you may have lost a friend!
