Tuesday 27 November 2018

Gardening and blood donating!

This morning I spent quite a time in the garden. We had trays of perennial plants that arrived months ago in minute plugs. I potted them on but they have been left, rained on, flooded and dried out, so needed to do something with them before winter sets in! I decided to make the bed by the front on the house a ‘nursery’ area for the plants that have survived and they can be repositioned in the spring.
I also got some bulbs planted and some pansies put out in other parts of the garden, but the nursery bed is done and fingers firmly crossed.
I said yesterday that I had finished some Christmas cards so took a picture of them.
I did some stamping this afternoon to make some more cards with and then I set off for the Floral Hall where I had a blood doning appointment. Bit of a wait but this time my iron level was fine, in fact the droplet sank almost immediately so was able to give blood. The final tattoo will have to wait! It was dark when I came out and bitterly cold in the wind and I was walking into sleet! It was very dark and not many lights but took pics anyway, the third one is very blurred but I think it is funky. 


  1. A busy but productive days for you then. Really pleased the blood session went ok, but a shame it means the tattoo has to wait a bit longer though :-) You’ll get to that magic 50 one day, I’m sure.
    That’s quite a few Christmas cards to add to the collection. Soon be time to start Easter cards!
    I like all the sea pics. The last one looks as though it’s a wet watercolour if that makes any sense. The rails look like they’re melting.

  2. It does look like a wet watercolour, quite an unintentional effect.
    Hopefully I will get to the magic fifty, that would be nice.
    I have a few more cards started.

  3. I love those photos, r they touched up? The colour is magical and like velvet.
    Glad u liked my colouring. I would like to get some decent pencils, that blend well and sharpen well...... One day :)
    What will the final tattoo be?
    I am going to get one after my final blood tests in December When I will know if the hep c has gone for good. I will get a cross with the words "isiah 40:31". It is a beautiful passage. I'm sure Tina knows it well It is my fav.
    I am making now glass painted bottles using a Harrogate spring water bottle which is very nice. And then to put fairy lights inside. I will email u a pic when done . But I am still learning getting to grips with the paints and don't have many colours yet as they r expensive . I would like to make peppermint creams like u did one Yr as presents but may not get it together in time.
    My dad and mum need more and more help so time is limited. But that's ok.
    Did I ask you if u still swim?
    Love always Julie xxx

  4. Hi Julie, no the photos are just as I took them, I thought they came out well considering the conditions.
    I will have a little pig tattoo at some point, but it will have to be on hold a bit longer.
    Not swimming at the moment, how about you?xxx
