Friday 12 December 2014

Yesterday evening I finished off the four cakes and also decorated my little Christmas tree.
The tree has all decorations painted on or completely made by me, I have added a few this year. No lights or tinsel but I love it.
This morning was cold but bright and beautiful, I took a couple of pictures of North Marine Road, as I walk down it pretty much every day!

I took a wander round town, bought Christmas cards, haven't done that for a few years, and some other bits and pieces, then I called into the ceramics studio for a change! Spent another couple of hours  on the plate, another couple should get the whole plate painted. Just have to get to work making it look like ribbons after that!
Darren and I are off to Peterborough tomorrow to deliver the three cakes, we have loaded them into the car already.


  1. As I've said before, the cake is very professional looking. I would suggest you sell some, but I know how much hassle they are in large numbers!

    The tree really suits your little room. Lights would probably spoil the look of it to be honest. I don't think you'll be able to squeeze too many more decorations onto it. You'll have to stop making them.

    So the plate will have taken around 12 hours of painting, then more time to add all the detail to it? I hope no-one drops it!

    Looking forward to seeing you both tomorrow.
