Tuesday 2 December 2014

Today started off wet and very windy, now it is dry and extremely windy! I stayed in writing letters all morning, Darren had a package being delivered and we didn't want to miss it. Have sent off 11 today, some owed, some just to say hello, but more or less up to date now. Had some lunch with Tina and then went off for a walk, posting the letters on the way. The sea today was dark and wild, I took loads of photos and will bore you with quite a few. I got frozen taking them but I was just captivated by what I saw.

And a few more!

Then walked back via the park which was also wearing it's winter coat. you can hardly see the pagoda from the ground in the summer.
And the late December sunshine made the whole park appear different.
Still incredibly windy, the bird feeder has become a bit like the leaning tower of Pisa so will be interesting to see if it survives the continuing bombardment!


  1. The photos are interesting make you think back when there were just sepia or black and white. That sea does look very cold tho, those poor fishermen.

    1. Yes, they do look colourless, makes them look quite dramatic. x

  2. Some great photo's there. Well worth getting a bit chilly. Bet there weren't many surfers in there today!

    I just converted one of the photo's to sepia and added a vignette effect to it. Doesn't look too bad. I'll email it to you.

    1. I have seen the one you altered, really effective, have downloaded it!
