Sunday 28 December 2014

Today Anya and family picked me up and we headed off to Bridlington. A bright and sunny day today, but plenty of ice in the car park when we arrived. First trip was to see the sea!
We had dinner at a nice carvery and then went to the shopping arcade to see if we could find the pop up shop that was full of old penny arcade machines that Anya had read about. We found it, and we had a lovely time in there. £1 bought you 15 old pennies to play on the machines.

A couple more, the funny angled one was the best of the pics Anya took of me, quite funky really!

Then we went to the lovely barn conversion holiday home that they are staying in. An eco friendly building with it's own little wind turbine in the garden, Absolutely gorgeous, and a nice view from the windows as well.

We played a couple of games and had tea there before Louis bought me back home. A really lovely day.


  1. Wow, that barn conversion looks lovely, and what a view. The photo of the tree and the turbine is gorgeous! You really have taken some great photo's lately.

    15 old pennies for a pound, now that's good business sense :-)

    Glad you've had such a nice few days.

    1. Thanks Mike, gives me a lot of pleasure finding new things to snap.
