Wednesday 17 December 2014

This morning was indoor job day, well it was if you include filling the bird feeders. I have started to repack cupboards in an attempt to be less cluttered and did sort out a bit bag of clothes for the charity shop. I want to get started on the water colours and some sewing, but want to clear the decks before I begin! I went off to the community centre and had decided that Molly and her mum could make rag wreaths today, as I had rings and material over and thought that would take most of the class time.Molly actually turned up with her French au pair, a very nice young woman. The tearing ad cutting went pretty well, but try as I might I could not teach Molly how to tie the lengths of material on! The au pair made a lovely one though. So I cut out a ring of card and got glue so that Molly could make one by sticking. When they were both busy I was going to take a picture but had taken the camera case, but it was empty! Molly did some drawing and cutting as well so we managed to fill a couple of hours. On Monday I made a different paper decoration.
And this afternoon, while they were busy I did a quick sketch of some crockery!
I called in to the ceramic studio on my way back and had a cup of tea with Donna, Darren spotted me and came in to say hello on his way to the gym. Off to the craft class tonight which is always good.


  1. I keep meaning to ask about the bird feeders. Are they using them all now, and were the large bottomed ones a success?

    Sounds as though craft class was fun. I'm surprised you didn't manage to teach her how to do it, but the glue was a good get out. Talking of French au pairs, maybe living on my own I should get one to look after me, or a Swedish one, I'm not particular................ and before you say it, yes I know, THEY probably are :-)

    When's the next stage of plate making?

    1. The birds are using the one with the big base, and the other two are very successful. An au pair to 'do' for you sounds like a great idea!! I am hoping to get the plate finished over the weekend so it can be fired before Christmas. Not keeping it as it is a sample for them but I am itching to see it and take a photo!
