Thursday 18 December 2014

Last night Tina and I went to the craft class, the serviette rings we were doing turned out to be tricky as we were using awful double sided tape! Much laughing and fun followed, a good evening. Haven't got the rings yet as they were still wet, will collect them tomorrow.
Today I met Michelle in York and we have had a lovely day. There was a fabulous Victorian Christmas market, so we spent a lot of time there!

It was a grey day but that didn't spoil our enjoyment, took this picture of Michelle when there was a finny wonky building in the background, but you cannot see that too well!
As it got darker we saw this really amazing tree of lights, quite breathtaking.
Walking back to the station I took this picture with the lit up church in the background.
Home and tired now, but a lovely day. we plan to meet up again in the good weather and when we are not Christmas shopping!


  1. The craft night looks like good fun. Do you always get tea and cakes?

    At least you had reasonable weather for your day in York, and didn't get soaked. You got some good pics of the lights too, that's not always easy to do. The tree of lights is very unusual, but lovely. Puts the few lights in town here to shame :-(

    1. Yes we always get a choice of drinks and tray bakes, but this week it was mulled wine - non alcoholic and festive treats. I was very taken with the tree, beautiful.

  2. Your day sounded perfect, lovely to meet up with old friends, the tree looks very bright, we love York used to visit often when living in Driffield. Also your craft evenings have taken off great job done. Xxxx

    1. It was a really good day, we will definitely meet up again. x

  3. Oohh they look lovely Jan - Driffield may be my choice for New Year as i am being given the 2nd off i will let you know if we go to mums xxxx

    1. Hope you make a trip and don't have any bugs etc. My cough isn't too bad, will probably go to the carol service with Tina this evening. XXx
