Tuesday 30 December 2014

This morning Tina and I went shopping fairly early, had breakfast before we shopped. The Tina parked near Sinclairs so that I could go and look at the round chest of drawers that took my fancy yesterday. It was still there and I bought it! The men got it into the boot and Tina got it out, and upstairs for me, although she really shouldn't have as it it pretty heavy! I have tried two or three positions, settled for now and I really love it!
I went for a walk into the town, Tina had told me that the bird feed was a good price in Wilkinsons. I was really tired when I got back, the cat wanted a lap, so I ended up watching Goodnight Mr Tom complete with Colonel sitting on me. Since then I have spent a couple of hours painting a bauble for Tina's great niece. Mike is visiting tomorrow so no doubt we will be out and about.


  1. Love the round unit, we have a similar but with 3 drawers, think ours is a bit wider where your is taller.

    1. It caught my eye as I passed the shop yesterday, didn't really need it but wanted it anyway! x

  2. We also watched Mr Tom, just been for another acupuncture treatment so needed to rest, this was a good way for it.

    1. I have seen it before but think it is just a lovely drama. Hope the acupuncture helps. x

  3. Hope you didn't cart bird food back from town in your trolley?
