Thursday 11 December 2014

Last night Tina and I went to the craft evening using decoupage on a bauble and a Christmas box. On the bauble we used small pieces of fabric and torn paper for the box. I managed to pull by hanger out and then replaced it so mine ended up wonky, but I am sure it will look fine on my Christmas tree when it is up.
My two offerings to the left and Tina's to the right. When we got home I decided I had better make some decorations for the cakes. I hunted high and low for my decorating tools, turned every cupboard out and created chaos. Then Tina said she knew exactly where they were, in a cupboard in the kitchen downstairs! So, later than anticipated I did make a start, just as well I just have 4 cakes to finish this year.
Today has been bitterly cold but bright most of the day. I had said that I would help out at the ceramic studio so I got there just after 10 am. It was very quiet there today so I sat and carried on with the 'ribbon' plate. I sat for almost six hours, having already spent two hours on it, and am now about half way to painting the ribbons. When that us done I then have to paint the details to make it actually look like interwoven ribbons, so a good way to go yet!!
I think I will be dreaming of squares tonight! May decorate the Christmas tree this evening, and get on with the cakes.


  1. Lots of crafting in this episode!

    The tree boxes are good, but I really like the fabric baubles. Your tree will collapse under the strain if you make many more things to hang on it. As for the plate, well you've definitely got some patience. 8 hours and counting! I'm sure it'll look great when it's fired though. You better hope nobody asks you to paint one for them!

    The decorations for the cakes are beautiful. It'll be such a shame to eat them. Again, you've got more patience than me!

    1. I think you have more than enough patience with all the lovely woodwork you produce. Just horses for courses!
