Monday 8 December 2014

The sky out of the window was lovely this morning, lighting up the remains of the moon.
The craft group this morning was better attended today so I stayed and helped Diane show people how to make decoration. I also learnt how to make two different ones.
They are both made from paper, the plain one out of twelve equal strips of paper and the colourful one made from a single square of paper. Carried them home very carefully as they would soon spoil. Did a bit of shopping on the way home and am off to see Mr Turner at the cinema this evening with one of the volunteers at the community centre.


  1. Love the light in the first picture. The decorations are really nice too. How many dozen of them are you going to make? :-)

    I'll be interested to hear what you think of the film. I saw a trailer for it and Timothy Spall seemed perfect for the roll. Assuming I'm thinking of the right film that is!

    1. I obviously meant role, not roll, but then he is little and dumpy :-)

    2. I thought the film was good, no real story but a real idea of what his life was like. Timothy Spall was very good. Turner didn't really come across as a very nice person but I think that is often the case of people who are so driven. the roll/role didn't jump out at me, but it is late and I am tired!

  2. I might look out for it and give it a go. You deserve to be tired, out all night gadding about :-)
