Sunday 14 December 2014

Enjoyed most of Strictly last night and had a good chat with Clare when she got home. I slept in Macey's bed, Darren slept in Clare's bed and Clare and Macey had mattresses on the floor in the play room. Thank you very much Clare, we had a good night. A Peterborough sunrise for a change!
We went to Margherita's, delivered their cake and had a good natter, then Darren and I had a leisurely drive home having a couple of stops en route. I took some pictures from the car, will post a couple of the bridge,

I absolutely love the Humber Bridge, took one out of the side window of the view, not so easy when you are travelling along!
We were home by 4 pm so can have a relaxing evening now. I really must get started on the Christmas card writing! We enjoyed the weekend and the cakes are now delivered, so a very successful trip.


  1. I never seem to see sunrises like that. I probably don't get up early enough. What time did you take that?

    The cake tastes good, but won't last long :-)

    1. It was about 8 am so I am sure you are up and about. Just happened to be in view when Clare pulled the curtains back. Enjoy the cake!!

  2. On my second slice today now. Only a thin....ish slice this time though!

    1. Might not last until Christmas eve at this rate!!
