Friday 26 December 2014

The day started off a bit frosty and dull, but the promised rain didn't arrive. I went out for a walk, went down to the sea the new way, put a lot of strain on my knees going down though, so maybe not such a good discovery. Took a picture of some keen Boxing Day people.
Walked back via the park and took an 'arty' picture!
Anya and family arrived just before three and I had prepared dinner to be ready for 3.30 so time for a cuppa and chat before we ate. I bought some crackers when we were in Peterborough that had a cardboard reindeer in each one and a silly game to play with them. It was quite a lot of fun and Louis won! We played Chinese whispers, which was very silly, I think a certain daughter of mine was purposely telling me the wrong message!!
Anya and Isobel lit the candles on Tina's cake, I know, a day late, but we ate too much yesterday!
Had the flash turned off so didn't actually catch her blowing them out!
We had a game of 'Kids Charades', which again was silly but fun. Then a game of Scrabble Junior for some!
The family have headed off to their cottage near Bridlington now, so a quiet evening in store this end!


  1. Looks like a great family boxing day, and late birthday party.

    Are you insinuating Scrabble Junior was for Darren :-)

    Make the most of your quiet evening, as I'm sure you'll be busy again tomorrow!

    1. Darren did comment that he may win at Junior Scrabble! I cleared away a bit while they had a game, will have a game with Isobel tomorrow I should think.

  2. He didn't win though, Isobel thrashed us all!
