Thursday 4 December 2014

This morning I walked to Sainsbury's stopping at the post office on the way as Darren and I missed packages yesterday. Then off to get some shopping and check out the clothing which was on 25% off. Managed to find some tops that I liked. I had a text from Sandy at the ceramic studio while I was there saying she was on her own and feeling sorry for herself. I said I would go and join her in the afternoon. I called in at a fine art shop in Victoria Road on my way home as he was selling all his art equipment off at half price. Not much left now but I got a pad and a couple of brushes. I came back and had a drink with Tina while she wrapped presents to take to her family then she drove me up to the studio as I was in a bit of pain with my ankle today. I had a good afternoon there and Sandy asked me to paint a demonstration 'basket' as they are not selling.

That handle was tricky! I also helped a customer, drawing Humpty Dumpty on egg cups for her and general clearing, washing up etc. Very enjoyable afternoon.


  1. I was eyeing those up when we were in...if you think the handle is difficult then it must be really tough!

  2. That looks really nice. I bet it's the handle that puts people off doing it. A Humpty Dumpty egg cup sounds good :-)

    1. Yes, they were cute, didn't take a picture as I helped a customer with them.

  3. Wow cant wait to see that basket fired . Glad your talents are being aired xxx love ya xxx

    1. I am looking forward to seeing it too. Have a good birthday. xxx
