Wednesday 10 December 2014

After a terrible stormy night it was a bright and cheerful morning, although a bitter wind when outside. I walked through the park on the way to check out the pool at the Manor Park Hotel.
The trees were nice but the colours round the pagoda in the winter sunshine was stunning.
I then walked down to the front where the wind was bitter but in a different direction, this time blowing towards the see. It was making the waves fluff up, but difficult to capture.
Then the sand was blowing up over the beach, I took lots of photos trying to catch it, not that successfully!
On the way to the community centre I called in at the ceramic studio and the Christmas basket has been fired and is now on display.
I sent some parcels off and then went to the community centre. A lady and her little girl came to the button craft class today and they both made some items. Molly was pleased with her calendar.


  1. Some good pictures as usual. It certainly doesn't look like Winter in the first two.

    The basket turned out really nice, and hopefully will encourage others to have a go. You should get commission!

    Looks like some lucky person is going to get a calendar for Christmas :-)

    1. Actually I think Molly decided to keep it! Her mum made one too and that was going to be a present.

  2. Oh great to have a couple of new people, well done!! Molly looks very proud, just like having Isobel around. Extremely cold here but bright and sunny from indoors. Love the photos. X

    1. I think they will definitely come again and Her mum does home tutoring. A lot do in Scarborough so I think she will tell other mums who need to get the children out and about doing craft etc. x
