Saturday 13 December 2014

Now in Peterborough and have just watched Strictly, spoiled a bit by the dogs who haven't stopped barking all evening. Macey has been fine! We set off just after 9 am and Darren stopped at Staxton for me to take a couple of photos. The viewing area is at the top of a 17% hill. Did have to climb on a fence to try and see over the hedge!

Our journey after that came to a bit of a standstill, the M180 and the A15 were closed due to accidents and we were virtually at a standstill for a while and then sent of a country detour which bought us about 2 miles down the road! Anyway, we weren't too late and had lunch and a nice time with Anya, Isobel and Louis. We went into Hobbycraft where I got some painting materials and a craft game for Isobel.
We met Mike for a meal and are now at Clare's and will visit Margherita and Rose in the morning and then head home while it is light.


  1. Nice views from the top of that hill. It's a steep old hill though. I always have to take a good run up to it :-)

    Great to see you both tonight, and thanks for the lovely meal.

    Hope your trip home proves easier than your journey here.

  2. I met Skip whilst he was at RAF Staxton Wold and my nan and aunty Gillian where scattered around that beautiful view-sorry missed call picking up kids and the like as its Skips works do at Wyboston but i declined thus year-safe journey home xxxxx

    1. Yes, very lovely area. Will be in touch soon. xxx

  3. Sounds as if the w/end went pretty well, accidents are a real nauciance but the poor people involved it's worse for. You were lucky with the weather.
    Lovely again today excellent for the time of year.xx
