Monday 1 December 2014

I  went to the community centre this morning, it was supposed to be a Christmas craft session for the local community, run mainly by Diane with my help. Only Edward, who comes regularly arrived and he made an advent calendar using pockets of material. I made my way through town to the afternoon art class. I just took a pen and some pastels as Sylvia, the class leader, had said she would set up Christmassy still lives. The choices were a soft toy teddy or a plant I didn't recognise in a glass vase. The seats in front of the teddy were taken when I arrived so I tried the plant with the pastels, but the colours weren't good and the pastels square, so not ideal. I know, an artist always blames there tools!! I also attempted just a pen drawing from the same position.

Then, as there was a little time left I drew the back of the bear.
I met Tina for a quick drink at the station as she was catching a train to Hull to meet Darren. I will try and muster the enthusiasm to marzipan the cakes this evening, but another episode of Lewis may lead me astray!


  1. If I had drawn the pastel picture I would have been more than happy with it. Having said that, I do prefer the pen drawing of the plant. You're so lucky being able to do that with such ease!

    Watch Lewis, you can do the cakes while waiting for the parcel tomorrow :-)

    1. Ah yes, but I do have stockings to make as well, and that might be easier downstairs. Don't like having to race down from here when the bell rings!!
