Monday 22 December 2014

Quite a busy day today. I was at the community centre for 10 am and Zoe arrived with three of her sons, Edward as usual with his support worker, and another lady with her grand-daughter. They all made paper Christmas decorations or cards. I worked with a lad called Thomas who was pleased with items he made. I asked everyone if they minded their photos being taken and they were all happy to.

I had some lunch then headed straight off to the ceramic studio to help Sandy with a party for 15 children! That was a hectic couple of hours, I did start a couple of children off but I mostly made drinks for the mums and did the endless clearing away. After they had painted their items all the tables had to be cleared and wiped ready for the food. I helped get the studio back to normal afterwards then went over the road to the hairdresser for a sit down and hair cut! I called back into the studio when I was washed and trimmed as they had had some one off bisque ornaments and I wanted to book one for myself so went in to pay for it. It will be the next challenge and may well take as long as the plate. Donna and Sandy had talked about it when they got them and had said they hoped I would decide to do one!
She is about a foot high, but if I take my time should be lovely.


  1. Blimey, you should be knackered after all that, but with a nice haircut :-)

    The figurine is beautiful, but soooooooo much detail on it. You are a glutton for punishment. It should look really good when finished though. Talking of finishing, did the plate make it to the kiln ok?

    1. It is glazed and will go in the kiln tonight with all the party stuff. I should be able to collect it on Wednesday barring explosions in the kiln!
