Saturday 27 December 2014

This morning Anya and family picked me up and we made our way to Whitby. Although dry here there had been snow on the moors.
I had worn a new, expensive jumper, I had bought in York and by the time we arrived at Whitby I was starting to itch. Isobel was cold so we ended up buying clothes and leaving the shop wearing them!! These doves made a change from pigeons and seagulls!
We had lunch at a very smart restaurant.
Isobel did not want her picture taken!!
We had a lovely wander around and it stayed dry. A shame this next picture is not in focus but you can see Isobel in her new trousers and hat.
It was rain and sleet on the journey back. We had time for a quick drink and then Darren dropped us off at the theatre to see the Frozen Sing Along film. That was very enjoyable, and we walked back afterwards. Isobel had been going to stay with me tonight, but she decided she wanted to go back to the cottage with her mum and dad. I will see them all again tomorrow.


  1. Apart from having to buy new clothes to keep warm and stop itching, it looks like you had a nice day. It's becoming a habit for you, buying new clothes to stay warm while you're out :-)
