Thursday 25 December 2014

Wishing everyone a happy Christmas. Today has been glorious again, I am sure our luck won't hold much longer. It was a bit grey and wet when we got up but soon cleared. Last night I decided to try and use the water colours, just three colours, and not draw anything first. I haven't read much of the watercolour book yet but a limited palette seems the way to go! So just a brush and paints, a bit looser that my usual stuff, but a start.
This morning we opened presents before I went for a walk and Tina went to church.

I walked down to the sea again, so beautiful there, I will never tire of it, although I think you may tire of the endless photos!! I did take an awful lot. Liked the reflections on this one.
I walked on the beach again and there must have been 50 or more dog walkers along the bay, but a big area so not particularly near any. Two wider vistas, then no more sea and sky today!

The sun was catching the spray in front of the castle, making that area appear misty, but it was almost impossible to catch with my camera. I walked up the cliff path to come home, and realised that it was a much better route than the one I usually take to walk down to the sea. Still finding my way around! We had one of the M & S special packs for dinner, much of the stress removed so we had a lovely meal and have eaten way to much, dessert may not even happen today. Had a Skype session with the family in America, so all in all a lovely day. Now I can settle down for Strictly and Call the Midwife later!


  1. I missed looking at this yesterday. Must have had other things on my mind! :-)

    Looks like fun was had by all, and obviously you were all good, as Santa appears to have visited, and the birthday fairy too.

    You've got some really nice pictures again. I love the one with the reflections on the beach.

    Hope you have a great time today with the Peterborough mob :-)

    1. Thanks Mike, I hope your throat feels a bit better and no disasters with the dinner today!

  2. 🌲hope u had a wonderful time xxxx miss u love you xxxx

    1. Hope you did too and no more falling down the stairs! Love you too. xxx
