Monday 15 December 2014

A bright sunny day again, a bit chilly but really lovely for December. Yesterday evening I made good headway with the cards, am about half way through the address book now! I had a package to send and needed some large letter stamps so headed off to the post office, Tina also had a package to go. Early morning proved to be a good time as I was served really quickly today. I then made my way to the community centre, via Boyes where I bought some lengths of ribbon. I am going to weave them to sort of match the plate so that I can see how they lay for the finishing touches! The mosaic was put up at the community centre last week, in the garden there. As I worked on it for three sessions I have taken a picture of the final placing.
I took a close up of the mosaic to show the detail, it is pretty impressive. I think they may have misjudged the size though as it might have looked better with a green border right round it.
I did a section of the rainbow and also the narwal, that was because others thought than my be a bit tricky!!
The craft group was fairly well attended today and Stephanie and \Molly are definitely coming to my group on Wednesday which will be good. I was due to help out at the ceramic studio this afternoon but Sandy phoned to say she wasn't well and would have to cancel. She asked if I would wait outside and make sure people knew! I stood around for quite a while and managed to tell about five young mums who said  they would let the others know.
I took myself to Sainsbury's and did some shopping, got a taxi home. I will try to get the cards finished tonight.


  1. The mosaic looks good. It's great to know you actually did part of it, and it'll be there for years and years. I have to agree with you about the green border, it does look a bit odd just being on two sides. I can't believe they would have measured it wrong to start with. You'd think with it being such a major project that they would have double checked!

    Several jokes spring to mind regarding standing about on the street outside shops, but I'll resist the temptation :-)

    1. That's a relief, had Jeff on the phone earlier with an iffy joke!

    2. Not much changes then :-)

  2. Oh love the mosaic, we saw some by the police station earlier in the year and commented on them, great to know you had a hand in. I'm sure your plate will look wonderful once you have done the ribbon effect. Got a Taxi home wow !! Good on you , learning at last. Much cheaper than running a car and no stree with parking it.xxxx
