Tuesday 23 December 2014

Tina and I were having breakfast at Sainsbury's just after 7.30 am, and from what we have heard from friends and family Scarborough is not as shopping crazy as some of the country. The shop was not heaving and we didn't queue for long, really not different to usual shopping. After we had unpacked I took a walk into town, again, no long waits of hordes of people in the shops I went into. I went to look at the sea, as it was a very grey December day today.
The sea looked very dark and quite calm compared to some days recently. I took a couple more pictures, these are of the South bay, which is packed in holiday time.

It began to rain on my way back, but it was quite light so I got damp rather that soaked! Then I sat down and ended up with the cat on my chest while I half watched Chicken run, sneezing because the cat hair was under my nose! I have been shifting furniture about a bit to try and make my bedroom a little less cluttered. Need to start getting rid of more stuff I think! It turned really wet and very grey earlier, so will put a delightfully out of focus photo on the blog, taken from the bedroom window!


  1. I think the shops just ganged up on me and went out their way to be busy when I shopped!

    Love the artsy out of focus shot, very good.

    1. Thought it showed how the day had turned out well!! :-)

  2. Well I'm just in from work and cant remember what day it is just told Niles to get ready for work and he is in on Friday which i thought it was today. Fell downstairs sunday it hurt think it has upset my time clock - dry here one more day at work to go sadly i am in Northampton first thing so i hope traffic is kind to me xxxx love you and have a Merry Christmas xxxx

    1. You must stop falling down the stairs!! Hope the weather holds for your trip tomorrow and that you manage to have a restful Christmas (but I am not holding my breath on that one!!) xxx

    2. I'm with Jan on that one. Falling down stairs is never a good thing! Stop doing it.

  3. Well as its been a long run into Christmas this year I think the shopping has been easier all round. Why people have to go mad is beyond belief. We are ready veggies done in water meat ready to cook tomorrow, although gammon done today stuffing etc ready. We are mad,every year we say never again. Lovely weather here and tomorrow should be similar, good for a afternoon stroll. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and healthy New Year. Xxx

    1. You are very organised, good for you. Beautiful day here, have just had a walk on the beach. Have a great Christmas and 2015 xxx
