Friday 16 February 2024

Taking photos in the church

Yesterday evening Darren and Tina went to Lidl and bought me back an electric blanket to use at night, an over the top one, which definitely got Pandoras approval! Darren had also spotted a very different craft kit, which inspired me to have a go even though I wasn’t feeling too good last night.
This morning I visited Bel and then went to the Factory shop where they still had no record of my package. When I got home I took the box I had filled to the charity shop.
After lunch I went to the church with Tina to take photos of a series of paintings depicting The Stations Of The Cross, but designed by an artist that incorporated each station with points in pic of the church and a few of the paintings, there are fourteen. If yu would like to see them all get in touch.
I bought some more primulas at the Co-op cheaper than anywhere else and really pretty.
I went out and tidied the bed in the front garden, not for long but enough time to fill the garden cart!
Hard to see the slight difference because of the changing light.
Nice bit of colour in the front garden.
Finishing now, off to the excitement of village hall prize bingo!


  1. I bet Pandora did like the nice warm blanket. You’ll never get rid of her now 😊 How did you get on with it? I like the very modern crafting. It looks good lit up like that. Nice of them to get you pressies.
    I wonder what has happened to your parcel then? What are you going to do now?
    Official church photographer now. Another one to add to your ever growing list of jobs 😊 The paintings are interesting, you should definitely show them all.
    The primula really are pretty. Shame you need around 300 for your gardens!
    Try not to win too many times at the prize bingo. I know how lucky you are at those events. They’ll think it’s a fix 😀

  2. I got on okay with the blanket, have never had one before.
    The paintings are very different, interesting picking out the different places in Hornsea.
    Will go to the shop again tomorrow and then may have to contact Evri.
