Friday 9 February 2024

One visit and a bit of gardening

Last night I started trying to do the edges of the humming bird jigsaw and did a bit mot this morning before going out to visit Bel. Slow progress, but a start!
I was telling Bel about it and she said she bought it for me because it would be difficult! She was feeling a bit ‘wobbly’ today, but not surprising for ninety one year old who still does everything herself, and her clean and tidy home puts me to shame.
When Ileft Ii went to the banking hub and the Co-op, dropped things home then went to Countdown as they had some bellis daisies for sale. Got five of those and a tray of six pansies. Took a pic of the snowdrops in the front garden on the way back.
After lunch I did go into the garden for a while, birds first and I had a sack of peanuts that needed transferring into containers.  I did get eighteen more plants into the bed, plenty more left for the weekend.. Didn’t take pics, only so many boring garden pics can be enjoyed!
Some weeks ago I got an amaryllis bulb, not one already planted, but got it in a pot and it was a while getting going,  getting tall now, I think it is a red one.
Decided to try and get the edges done on the jigsaw, Tina came in and helped as I was getting nearer completion. I have obviously missed a few pieces but it is now almost ready to get going on the puzzle itself.
I have the other piece of board which I can over it with, I really don’t want Pandora on this one, although she takes some discouraging! Because the edge pieces aren’t all interlocking she could really ply havoc with it.
Tina was taking a parishioner to Tesco, so got a little u expected shopping trip.
Not planning to do a great deal this evening as I am feeling quite weary.


  1. You've been quite active again. I think you've probably done a lot more than me......again 🙂
    The puzzle is looking good, even though it's a bit of a nightmare. At least Bel was honest about why she bought it for you 🙂 It'll look great when it's done.
    You should have taken some garden pics. The more you plant the nicer it looks. Definitely not boring. Your indoor plants look very healthy too. I like amaryllis.
    Sounds like a bit more gardening over the weekend, weather permitting. Not sure how lucky you'll be with that though.
    Hope you sleep well ready for another varied day

  2. Maybe a photo or two today but it is looking quite murky out at the moment.
    I am pretty good with indoor plants on the whole and I like to see them.
    I am sure I will do a bit of the jigsaw today.
