Sunday 25 February 2024

Made it to the boot sale

No rain today, in fact quite a frost, almost Jack Frost patterns on the car window!
I meant to take my hot and the first stall had brand new ones for a pound, it was nice and snug!
I bought a ceramic dish, no pic of that, it is plain white and will get good use with pasta bakes, cottage pies and crumbles! I also got a couple of books, they were two for a pound and I had spotted a Tony Parsons one, I have enjoyed those before so hope it will get me back into reading mood. I also got a basket for a pound as it has a bit of damage but I think I can sort that out.
I worked quite a bit in the garden, took a few breaks as I was weary today. I thought I would see how many of the collection of plants I could get in, but did hoe and tidy beds as I went.
Just three pots that look dead and the bush to go now, so got a fair bit done!
Sat for a while with Pandora on my lap when I got in and will watch a couple of programs with Tina and Darren in a bit.


  1. You are totally hopeless with hats! How many is that you’ve had to buy at a car boot? 😂 Very fetching in pink though.
    The books look like they’ve never been opened. I hope they get you back into reading. I’ve not picked the kindle up for months. Really must give it a try. I think the basket is lovely. A bargain for a pound and I’m sure you’ll soon have it in tip top condition. Do you have a use in mind?
    You got a fair few plants in today. You spent quite a while out there so I’m not surprised you’re weary. You’re getting there though. You’ll have it licked into shape before long.
    Enjoy your evening. More relaxing than gardening 😊

  2. You can never have too many hats!
    I loved the little basket, no real plans for it mush and to come home with me!
    Pleased with what I did in the garden.
