Monday 12 February 2024

Keeping busy and an interesting workshop

This morning I took a bin liner out and collected some bits like old bird feeders that were making the garden even more untidy. They I cleared and swept the area on front of the greenhouse and move a Christmas tree that I bought reduced there, much better than piles of rubbish!
Tina has a hot knife which is useful as I wanted to cut the foam for the stool cushion and when I made the cushion for my window set I made a repo hash of cutting foam with a craft knife. So used the gadget and the foam now fits.
I walked down to Boyes nd bought a long zip for when I make the cover.
This afternoon I went on a two hour workshop to make Kokedama plant decorations. Quite messy. Just two of us learning and we made three each.
I have the three of them on a small tray for now.
I was expecting a pre assessment call when I came home but it was cancelled due to staff shortages so went out into the garden to clear the area round the summerhouse.

Quite a nice sky this evening.
Tina brought back some bright material from Zimbabwe and I am using some to cover the cushion. May start cutting out tomorrow, although if the weather is good I will be in that garden!


  1. You really are back into the garden again. It's coming along nicely. Don't go too mad at it though. Shame the assessment call didn't happen. Hopefully the rebooked one will go better. You certainly don't want anything getting in the way of the op now 🤞
    I like the three plant decorations, they look really nice. You're always learning new skills 🙂
    The stool is coming on. Should look good in the Zimbabwe material. I remember you posting a pic of it before. Doubt it'll be long before you get it done either 🙂
    A very nice sky pic to end with. Think it's supposed to go downhill as the week progresses 🙁

  2. I am thankful the knee hasn’t locked up for a while, hopefully not tempting fate now. It not only men’s that the garden is getting some attention but also that I am getting more exercise and working the leg muscles!
    The workshop was fun, mine aren as mossy as they should be but it is quite a tricky process!
    Been thinking at night the best way to attach the zip, my least favourite sewing technique.
