Tuesday 27 February 2024

Quiet day and latish travel

Off out fairly early again as I had a card to post, which would have arrived after the birthday! During the morning I did some chores and got my stuff ready to take on our trip later. After lunchI did go and see Sher at the shop for a while. Tina was at a meeting and got home about 3.15pm and we had hoped to leave about four but  there was a bit of a hitch. The accommodation host had not sent the entry code so Tina phoned him and was told that the lift wasn’t working and the apartment was on the sixth floor! Tina explained this was not possible for us. More phone calls and messages but got a last minute basement studio flat, so we were away a bit later but still had somewhere to go. The journey was fine but it was rainy again. I hadn’t realised Sheffield was so hilly, so maybe not th best idea on my part!
One pic from the car as we drove through ugh the city.
And three of the studio flat, the pull down bed is behind the huge map!
Lindsey’s the host, got it ready for us in a hurry and made us very welcome when we arrived.
Will decide what to do tomorrow when we see what the weather is like.


  1. A busyish day for you then. I suppose leaving later meant that you had time to do other things this morning without rushing around. Although leaving early has its advantages too. Glad you found out about the sixth floor before you got there, as that really would have been a shock! It’s good you got it sorted though, and it looks quite a pleasant little flat.
    I really like the pic of Sheffield from the car. It’s very atmospheric and tells its own story.
    I hope the weather is kind to you tomorrow so you can get out to see some of the local scenery. Have fun.

  2. Alls well that ends well and this place is cheaper too!
    Looking forward to seeing a bit f Sheffield, Tina has been here before but I haven’t
