Thursday 15 February 2024

Garden challenge

I had rained over night so working of flower beds was not going to be ideal. After feeding the birds I sorted out the electric lopper and thought I would try and do something with the area that backs onto the pub garden next door. Always a very neglected area and next to it was where lots of lawn clippings and other rubbish were piled. So pretty much a nettle and bramble haven and a large bush that is big and ungainly.
It was quite hard going and a lot more to do, including digging massive chunks of nettle roots out.
The pile of pruning took three wheelbarrows full to clear.
The garden truck was full too with bramble and not right for the burning pile.
Near the burning pile a really pretty hellebore has appeared.
About a year ago I made a log pile hopefully to make a home for stag beetles. No idea if any are win residence but fungi are forming on it so definitely damp now which habitat they like.
By the time I had cleared away the debris I was pretty tired so haven done a great deal. Did walk down the road to the Factory Shop as I had a message to say  parcel had been delivered there, but they couldn’t find it on their system so will try again tomorrow.
Feeling off colour this evening and was actually sick earlier and now have a headache, so looks like a lazy evening is in store.I did spent over an hour last night sorting through my earrings and brooches so am sorting things bit by bit.


  1. That looks like hard work doing that bit of the garden! I would say take it easy, but you won't 🙂 Seriously though, that does look really hard work. You're supposed to be retired and doing embroidery and drinking tea 😂
    The little log pile looks perfect for beetles and bugs. I'm sure you'll get some eventually. You do look after the wildlife.
    Being sick and off colour isn't good. Nothing to do with overdoing it in the garden I hope. You certainly don't want to be going down with anything so close to surgery. Have an easy night with the telly.

  2. It was quite hard, I felt like I had been for a workout! It looks a bit tidier and I will be able to get to some of the nettle roots when I muster the energy and inclination!
    Feeling a bit better now but not rushing to do anything.
