Thursday 22 February 2024

Off to the moors!

After Ringtons had been we set off out as it is Tina’s day off. I had thought we were going to a garden centre near York but we ended up at Rosedale Abbey, a village in the Yorkshire moors as Tina had changed her mind. It had been a wet and reasonably long journey and we were ready for a drink and some lunch. There were sandwiches on the menu but you could have them as a salad if you didn’t want the bread. Absolutely lovely Mel’s arrived, mine had so much cheese!
Brace yourselves for a lot of photos tonight! I was fascinated as we drove there and when we arrived at the mossy walls. After eating we had a wander round the village.
The church was built on the site of the abbey, there is just a pillar of the original abbey remaining.
We rally liked this unusual commemoration of the Queens jubilee.
Tina had found that there was a place called Bank Top Kilns not far away so owe set off, the car managed the 1 in 3 gradient really well. We drove to a higher car park first.
Then to the Bank Top.
I am sad this one is out of focus, but still like it!
We got really cold up there so Tina drove to another village where we had a cuppa and a scone before heading home.
Well, we actually headed home via a nursery where we bought some plants, but have only taken a pic of the willow which is in the greenhouse for now.
A nice sky this evening but ai couldn’t be bothered to go out to take pics. Took this one from the utility room window, feeling a bit weary so getting sorted for as early departure for an assessment appointment at the hospital.


  1. The salad looks really tasty. That’s a LOT of cheese 🧀
    The village looks lovely. I really like the mossy walls. Think I need to live somewhere like that ☹️
    I see what you mean about the priory, not a great deal left of it these days!
    I bet the car chugged a bit on a 1 in 3. Mind you it’s certainly better than trying to walk up it. It’d be a killer! Well worth the trip up there. Lots of really nice pics tonight. Bet you enjoyed the trip up there. I’m not surprised you were cold though 🥶
    I’m not a bit surprised you’re weary tonight. A nice weary thought for a change.
    Hope all goes well for you tomorrow with the appointment. Another step closer.

  2. It was a surprise trip really and we had a good day despite the weather.
    The moors really are stunning, sun would have made a difference but it is beautiful anyway.
    The salad was delicious, did buy a loaf while we were there,m will have some tomorrow after I have been to the hospital!
