Wednesday 21 February 2024

Fired pieces at the studio

It was raining this morning, in fact it has rained all day and with the cold wind felt like it may turn to sleet! So I didn’t walk up to Freeport today but caught the bus. Nice to see a couple of the samples fired and also my pig mug which came through unscathed this time.
The fairy on a lift is cute as is the miniature bird house. The pig mug is okay despite me not making a good job of the writing.
Rob said they wanted to have a fairly large rabbit sample hoping that they will sell some coming up to Easter.
It took quite a while and I went for bold colours this time, so it should be quite striking when fired.
I had time to walk up to Pound Stretcher before catching the bus home. Spotted these daffodils which were still lovely despite the grey day.
We have a visiting cat who I think is so cute, but do not encourage or feed him. Tina will put this photo on FB in case he is lost, but he looks red for so it probably just chancing his arm.
Looking out of the window this evening there was a different cloud, which wasn’t different by the time I go outside, but took the sky anyway.
The amaryllis is great and the other stem is getting tall now so may have two heads of flowers before long.
Not feeling over lively again this evening, need to rest the ankle, that’s my excuse anyway!


  1. The bus sounds a much better idea when it’s raining……well any time actually! I love all of the fired ones. The fairy has to be my favourite though. It’s turned out really well. I’m really looking forward to seeing the bunny when it’s fired. I think it’ll be stunning 🙂
    You are good for not feeding the cute cat. That’s a very pleading “feed me” look. You’re really hard 😂
    I like the colours in that sky. We actually had a bit of colour here tonight for a change. I was going to take some pics but didn’t get around to it. Story of my life!
    The amaryllis is looking good. Whenever I’ve had them in the past they’ve nearly always fallen over. I’m no good with plants.
    You don’t need an excuse to have a restful evening. Just put your feet up and say “sod the world” 😂

  2. The fairy is very cute, it was quite fiddly but worth the effort. I am hoping the bunny will be good and encourage people to have a go.
    I think the cat is a tom and is very endearing. Pandora and he were sat on the porch near each other, no animosity. I think it would be a different story with Blue.

  3. Thanks for the daffodils. Ours are just popping up through the snow, Yours make it feel that spring is almost here. Can't imagine all that you do with a bad knee. Hope all goes as planned with your surgery.

  4. Thank you Anonymous, the daffodils are lovely to see.
