Tuesday 20 February 2024

Signs of Spring

This morning I mange to get a early appointment at the surgery to get the sensitivity around my ankle checked out. The doctor was running nineteen minutes late when I arrived but by the time I saw him he was running forty minutes late! He was firmly dismissive and just said keep doing what I have been doing. Tina had dropped me off t the surgery but we took the rollator so that I could make my own way home. Pretty blossom outside the surgery.
I made my way home via the sea.
A nice row of daffodils at the car park ner the hub.
And a beautiful tree in the memorial garden.
I have got some washing done today and went to see Sher at the shop for a while this afternoon.
Still trying to discouraging the ever growing number of seagulls from my flower beds, not overly successful so far!
Will finish with memories from four years ago and two years ago. One silly and the other the making of the table cover still being used now.
Pottery studio day tomorrow.


  1. At least you didn't have to wait 3 weeks to see the doctor. Doesn't sound like the outcome was of much use to you though.
    I love the pic of the sea today. It's really atmospheric. You do manage to catch a lot of nice ones like that.
    Can't imagine what you can do to discourage the seagulls without scaring off the other birds. A price you have to pay for feeding all the wildlife 🙂
    I remember the dinosaur pic. One of the MANY daft ones over the years 😂

  2. Never can resist a daft photo opportunity!
    Not a great visit to the surgery, but fingers crossed the ankle will not cause any problems for the surgery.
