Thursday 1 February 2024

Beverley and garden

This morning ai caught the 9.30am bus to Beverley. I got off at Flemingate as I wanted to go to The Refill Jar, I wanted some more green tea and Tina had mentioned that we were out of the washing liquid so I got a large plastic bottle filled. I had a drink at Flemingate before walking into the town, passing the Minster en route.
I looked in the antique centre to see if ai could get any ideas for painting the fruit bowl but nothing jumped out at me. I got some stamps at th post office and then made my way to the Oxfam book shop. I did buy one, still looking for inspiration! I am not sure if it will inspire me, but it will be interesting and much cheaper than a new book!
I had a bit of lunch before catching the bus home. May ankle as well as my knee was aching today so sat with my feet up for a while when ai got home. Then I went out to feed the birds and do a bit more work in the garden. So much ouch grass intahtbed, but a bit less now!
We have regular snowdrops in the front garden, some in the back too but also there giant ones!
Quiet evening with feet up


  1. Yet another busy day for you. A trek out and still have the energy, and inclination to do some gardening! I think I need to take some of the pills you take 🙂
    The book looks huge perched on your knee like that. I hope it has helped to inspire you.
    You must be getting the garden looking quite nice now. You seem to have tidied quite a few of the beds. I know it's a bit like painting the Forth bridge though 🙁
    Hope you managed a restful evening in readiness for another busy day tomorrow.

  2. Best get a bit done on the days I can! The nights are becomoing more disturbed!
    Will be glad when I am not having to find space for the rollator on the buses, but so pleased I got it.
