Sunday 11 February 2024

A varied day

Yesterday evening I painted the replacement mug, bodged the writing a bit, must get a couple of fine brushes that keep a decent point!
This morning it was raining and it had been most of the night, so no boot sale but di go to Lily’s with Darren for breakfast. A rather bleak looking sea!
I noticed this morning that the amaryllis is producing two stems so it should be stunning when it flowers.
When the rain eased a bit I went to feed the birds and thought ai would plant some early seeds in the greenhouse. Not a lot of space in there with the visiting cordylines.
I moved the one on the bench to the side so that ai could work. The seagulls came down for the food as I was out of the way, anyone would think we lived near the seaside!
I got three different deeds planted, not many that can be set in February.
It was brightening up when I went indoors and the garden is beginning to look cared for.
I got dinner at lunch time today as Tina had another service this evening. After dinner I went and moved the cordylines into the walled garden as they as it is fairly protected from the elements there. They really are fine specimens.
Before dinner I had glued the Turner jigsaw onto the board and weighted it down. Looking good now but I may try and frame it so it is back in the case for now.
As it had been a lovely afternoon I decided to walk to the sea front and see if the sunset was good.  It wasn’t over the sea and not a lot of colour in the sky, but the sea was pretty spectacular so worth the walk.
The legs are twinging a bit at the moment, they are wondering what I am playing at with this digging and walking! Quiet evening and. death in Paradise a bit later.


  1. The mug is very cute, and the writing looks ten times better than I could ever do with a paintbrush! Hope this one makes it back in one peace.
    Glad you managed breakfast at least. Does look pretty gloomy there. Not been a bad day here all things considered. Your second visit to the sea looks a better one. Some great wave shots. You always manage to get some really good crashing pics. I never seem to catch them as well as you do. Definitely worth the walk. Hope the legs think the same!
    The garden is looking fantastic. It’s hard to believe you look after all that by yourself. Then there’s all that at the front too 😳 The cordylines do look good. They’ll be fun to plant though!
    I think you should frame the Turner too. It’d finish it off nicely.

  2. Watched a couple of programs, a bit tired and achey so a reasonably early night I think.
    Yes, managed to get a couple of good shots today, I was pleased I took myself down there.
